Member's Masterclass: Unlock Your Business Potential

Design Your Success With Human Design

Friday 19th July | 9.15-10.45am

Redefine what entrepreneurial success looks like for YOU.

Join Lucia, Riverhouse Member and Human Design Coach and ICF-certified coach, for this insightful 90-minute business-focused workshop. Discover how Human Design can be your secret weapon to building a thriving and fulfilling enterprise.

In this interactive session, you'll gain:

The Core Principles of Human Design: Explore the core principles of Human Design and how it applies to business. Discover how it can be your secret weapon to understanding yourself and the world around you.

Uncover Your Unique Type: Learn about the five core Human Design types and gain insights into your natural tendencies and strengths.

Spark Your Business Potential: Leave feeling empowered to pursue your entrepreneurial goals with greater confidence, authenticity, and strategic direction.

Whether you're a local member, entrepreneur, wellness guru, or career changer, this workshop will empower you to understand yourself better and navigate life with more confidence.


About Lucia

Lucia is a passionate coach with over 20 years of experience in branding and marketing, working with top companies like Swarovski and P&G. For the past 7 years, she's been a certified Human Design expert and ICF coach, helping individuals unlock their full potential by integrating Human Design with strategic planning and intuitive wisdom.

Learn more about Lucia - Website Instagram

This is a complimentary Member's Event.

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